ArchaeaBot at the 23rd Triennale Milano International
Categories: ExhibitionsArchaeaBot will be part of the Unknown Unknowns exhibition at the 23rd Triennale Milano International Exhibition
Magic Machines
Categories: ExhibitionsArchaeaBot: A Post Climate Change, Post Singularity Life-form will be part of “Magic Machines” at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden in Germany from July 1st to September 22nd 2022
European Robotics Forum 2022
Categories: TalksAlex May was invited to the European Robotics Forum 2022 for a live panel about the potential of combining science, art, and technology
Susceptible receives STARTS Prize nomination
Categories: Awards“Susceptible” interactive artwork by Anna Dumitriu and Alex May was nominated for the Starts Prize 2022 shortlist
Videoclub: DeNatured
Categories: ExhibitionsA Kolkata by Alex May is included in an exciting programme of films being shown at RCA London, Fabrica Brighton, HART Haus Hong Kong and more
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Wunderkammer BioArt at Kunsthaus Wiesbaden
Categories: Exhibitions“Wunderkammer BioArt: Works by Anna Dumitriu and Alex May” exhibition at Kunsthaus Wiesbaden from 7th April – 24th June 2022
ArchaeaBot in “The Beauty of Early Life” at ZKM
Categories: ExhibitionsArchaeaBot: A Post Climate Change, Post Singularity Life-form is part of The Beauty of Early Life exhibition, at ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany from 26th March 2022 to 10th July 2022.
Chennai Photogrammetry Workshop
Categories: WorkshopsChennai Photo Biennale and British Council commissioned Alex May to run a two day online photogrammetry workshop with photographers from India
Fermenting Futures exhibition at Künstlerhaus Vienna
Categories: ExhibitionsFermenting Futures is being exhibited at Künstlerhaus Vienna from 3rd to 22nd March 2022.
EyeMyth Media Arts festival 2022
Categories: TalksEyeMyth Media Arts Festival in India invited Alex May to give an online talk about the development of his “A Kolkata” artwork
British Council Jordan – Arts in the Digital Age Online Forum
Categories: WorkshopsA three day online event created in partnership with and commissioned by the British Council and FutureEverything with Alex May running a digital arts masterclass.
Artificio at Museo Bolivariano de Arte Contemporáneo, Santa Marta, Colombia
Categories: ExhibitionsAlex May and Anna Dumitriu will premiere a computer generated video artwork at Artificio at the Museo Bolivariano de Arte Contemporáneo, Santa Marta, Colombia.
Indo-European Residency Inaugural Programme
Categories: TalksThe introduction of our selected artists from United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany and India, who will present an overview of their work.
Tags: project kolkata -
Atmospheric Encounters at SOLU, Helsinki
Categories: ExhibitionsThe High Altitude Bioprospecting (HAB) exhibition “Atmospheric Encounters” tours to SOLU in Helsinki. October 7th – November 20th 2021.
Under the Viral Shadow: Conference
Categories: TalksIn the international interdisciplinary one-day conference Under the Viral Shadow Art Laboratory Berlin (ALB) will explore various networks – biological, cybernetic, and social – also in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
a kolkata algorithmic photography a mirror for remembering antisocial swarm robots archaeabot berlin biotechnology from the blue flower bournemouth brighton brighton digital festival cas chic cyberspecies proximity dubai fabrica featured fermenting futures flow state futurefest germany goldsmiths harr1 High Altitude Bioprospecting impakt india interview isea london my robot companion nft online painting with light robots room 40 sequence shadows of light super-organism susceptible the-art-and-science-of-linen usa video video mapping video sculpture watermans wellcome