Mon 21st – Wed 23rd February 2022, 6PM – 8.30PM (Jordan) & 4PM – 6:30 (UK)
A three day online event created in partnership with and commissioned by the British Council, bringing together art professionals from the UK & Jordan to explore arts and digital practices.

Tue 22nd – 8.20PM – 9.50PM: Digital Transformation – LIMITED NUMBER MASTERCLASS (CLOSED GROUP EVENT – separate registration)
An opportunity for a limited number of participants to take part in an artist-led creative masterclass focussing on topics such as getting started with digital technologies, artistic development tools for creative practitioners interested in digital and approaches for making art using digital and electronic media. During the session, participants had a chance to explore how to start with collaborations, exhibition and commissioning opportunities, and selling work.
Led by: Alex May with FutureEverything, British Council and Hind Joucka (artmejo)