UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Artistic Explorations with Code: Robotics, Video Mapping and Interaction" Alex May (Artist-in-Residence, School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire) 13 April 2016 (Wednesday) 1 pm - 2 pm Hatfield, College Lane Campus Lecture Theatre LF233 Everyone is Welcome to Attend Refreshments will be available
Alex May is an artist in residence in the School of Computer Science at The University of Hertfordshire.
He will give an overview of the recent exhibitions of HARR1 (Humanoid Art Research Robot #1) which has been engaging audiences by getting bored with them, the Anti-Social Swarm Robots that made their recent debut at the Royal Academy of Art, and the various video mapping art installations he has been creating internationally with his software Painting With Light.
Over the past two years, Alex has been developing a new digital art platform called Fugio that uses a visual programming design to enable anyone to creatively experiment with a wide range of technologies, including robotics, computer vision, real-time audio and video processing, and virtual reality, with a unique focus on providing long term preservation of digital art projects. He is currently in the process of releasing the software as a cross-platform open-source project, and is keen to hear from researchers from science, technology, and the arts within Hertfordshire to explore how it could engage with current and future projects.