Talk: Digital Arts Practice in the time of the Pandemic

“Digital Arts Practice in the time of the Pandemic” is a free (registration required) online talk by Alex May organised by the students of the Digital Media Arts MA course at the University of Brighton, UK.

7pm (British Summer Time: GMT+1) – 21st July 2020

Talk: Digital Arts Practice in the time of the Pandemic
Design by Jess Pemberton

Alex May has been working on several projects in response to the lock down, exploring the opportunities and drawbacks of dissemination of digital art when the traditional channels of physical galleries and museums are closed due to the pandemic. In this talk he will preview new works, show how he’s making existing physical work available to new audiences online, discuss how artists might retain control of context when distributing digital work, and suggest why you shouldn’t give your art away for free via platforms such as Instagram (and what you could do instead).

The digital media arts students would normally be having a physical exhibition of their final projects so instead they are showing their work online in an exhibition titled ‘Hexagonally‘ and have organised a week-long series of talk events starting on the 20th of July 2020.

Their projects, and details of the weeks events, can be found on their exhibition page:

Alex has been a sessional lecturer for the Digital Media Arts MA at the University of Brighton since 2012. The course leader is Sue Gollifer who, among many roles, is the director of ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Arts).

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