Lecture at University of Hertfordshire Biocomputation Group

ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity, Post Climate Change Lifeform

Artists in Residence Anna Dumitriu and Alex May were recently awarded an European Media Art Platform Residency at LABoral in Spain and Arts Council England funding to develop their new project in progress.

The work will take the form of underwater robotic art installation that explores what ‘life’ might mean in a post singularity, post climate change future. The robots will be based on new research about archaea (the most ancient life forms on earth which often live in extreme environments) combined with the latest innovations in machine learning & artificial intelligence to create the ‘ultimate’ species for the end of the world as we know it. The project involves collaboration with Imperial College and the University of Hertfordshire.

Date: 20/04/2018
Time: 16:00
Location: LB252

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