Bournemouth University Workshop
Just spent two very enjoyable days running a Painting With Light video mapping workshop at Bournemouth University. As with every workshop, new behaviours emerged such as three participants projecting on the same space (exciting and very confusing for all involved), there was a sound reactive installation combining Max/MSP and Painting With Light’s OSC control facility,…
Painting with Light: Video Sculptures: Open Call for Artists
For “Painting with Light: Video Sculptures” at Phoenix Brighton Alex May plans to create a new installation stemming from a participatory workshop with artists, from diverse backgrounds, including those who typically work with traditional art media such as painting and sculpture. The aim is to push the boundaries of this innovative medium and create new…
Music Tech Fest 5th-7th September 2014
Music Tech Fest is a “festival of music ideas that brings together artists and performers, academics and thinkers, startups and labels, inventors and innovators.” Alex May will be speaking at 16:30 on Saturday 6th September 2014 about Painting With Light his bespoke video mapping software for artists. The event is being held at LSO St Luke’s…
2014 – A Year of Two Halves
Anyone looking at this news page would surmise that little has been happening here in 2014, but this would be greatly deceiving as much preparation has been taking place behind the scenes. Predominately I’ve been working on new software art tools that I will be using extensively for my practise over the coming years. They will…
Painting With Light in Caracas Venezuela
The British Council arranged for Alex May to run a two day Painting With Light workshop in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas, Venezuela. Caracas is a tropical and vibrant capital city overlooked by the imposing Ávila mountain to the north. Cable cars and power lines thread across the roofs and up the steep mountainside…